Tuesday, 25 October 2011

A few more things .....

I'm practicing putting stuff up on my blog, these are a few things I've been making recently.
Two little dogs.

Definitely good friends.

And this little fellow.
I was thinking about Tove Jansson's wonderful array of creatures in the Moomintroll books and was inspired to make up a forest animal of my own, I can just see him shyly peeping out from behind a tree.
I've made a few friends for him, others are still in my head or scribbled on bits of paper.


  1. Sarah he sooo cute....al your creatures and people have such characters, each so different. Cngratulations on getting your blog up.....not so difficult after all is it ? So great to see your work. much love xxx

  2. These are lovely. I used to make pipecleaner dolls with..well pipecleaners...and embroidery thread wrapped round in a similar fashion. I particularly like the last creature...is it a goat?

    Dawn xx

  3. Thanks for the encouragement guys!
    The last creature is made up, he's my favourite too

  4. Oh just love his expression!! Love all the moomins and fellow creatures in the books...you made me smile to just remember them! Am new to your blog, just followed the link from your lovely dolls on the Mollie Makes blog. It's delightful, you've got a new follower!

  5. Hi Sarah, these are lovely - makes me want to paint them - I do relate entirely to the problems of regular blogging. keep going - I love to see your stuff x
